Saturday, November 8, 2008

Security? Try Freedom!

The purpose of this website is to assist you in the area of retiring at a young age. Every person has their own reason for wanting to retire, some want to spend more time with their family, others want to realise their dreams to travel the world. Bottom line is really financial freedom.

So what is financial freedom? Financial is defined as pertaining to monetary receipts and expenditures; Freedom is defined as the state of being free or at liberty rather than confinement. So, do you have the state of being free rather confined to your receipts and expenditures? In another words, do you have to work in order to pay for your expenses?

Life Can Be Better and it wasn't as hard as people think. Isn't it frustrating to be stuck working in a job you hate, missing time with family, and/or have absolutely no flexibility to travel and do what you want. Wealth isn't a mystery. It is a formula. The economy doesn't have to affect you. Your education level plays no part in gaining wealth and achieving the lifestyle that many of us have achieved.

I hope my blog can assist you in some way regarding financial awareness.