Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life can be better

My name is Jordan Wang and I live in Garden City, Singapore. I was an undergrad from National University of Singapore. I was full of aspirations and dreams, but was uncertain that being an employee will fulfill those dreams. A chanced encounter brought me face to face with an Opportunity through my mentors Dr Tan & Carine. What started out as a part time business turned into a Full Time Dream - fulfilling Career.

High on my travel list was Taipei, Taiwan. It’s a land of roadside snacks. This is a place where one can try foods for different stalls for all 3 meals and you won’t take the same food twice in a month. My friends, Beatrice and Jennifer were my Eating and Shopping Kakis, my brother Sam was the Shopping king! Haha.

Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient. Shopping and Eating were top on the to do list! We frequent dessert shops and also went to wholesale market! What will Hong Kong be without Dim Sum? heehee

my visit to Tokyo, Japan blew my mind. The food, people, scenery and culture there were mind boggling. Tokyo Disney is Super, I even got a glimse of a Traditional Japanese Wedding.

New Zealand, a place whose scenery is truly breathe taking. My trip on the North Island was one which include a trip to Auckland, the Mouri sacred Mountain, Mount Roupahu, mouri village, the Hot springs and the famous Lake Tapo, which hosts the world’s highest bungee jump.

It has always been my Dream to be able to bring my Parents for a trip overseas. Their Dream destination was to Shanghai an Xi Hu. I'm glad I had not only the money but more importantly the Time to be with them for this trip. We visited the famous Wai Tan (外滩) to view the legendary Shanghai Skyline(夜上海). Then took a trip to Hang Zhou(杭州) to visit Xi Hu (西湖)and to the Pagoda featured in Madam White Snake, 雷锋塔. Another highlight was the trip to the Venice of the East, Wu Zhen (乌镇). Fulfilling their Dream was a big thing for me, and that made this trip very significant for me!

I took a trip with my friends to Hanoi and Halong Bay in Vietnam. If you have the chance, you should really check out Halong Bay, the scenery is unbelieveable. Those are the Junks that took us to the Lime Stone Caves in Halong Bay.

My most memorable trip was to USA, I went there twice in the last 2 years. 1st trip was to San Francisco and Utah. The classic Architecture in Both areas were super. My friends/colleagues took so many photos with the buildings it was crazy! I can't resist but join in as well. haha.

The 2nd was to Los Angeles and Hollywood. Who can resist Disneyland and Universal Studios? My colleagues turned good friends had a ball in both areas. Even the Prince of darkness was jealous of us! haha.... We work hard, but also play hard together. Need I say more? Haha.

One of my dream cars since I was a kid was a MINI Cooper fan as I loved how it looks as it whiz pass the race tracks in Monte Carlo. So at the age of 25, I got my very first Sports convertible – MINI Cooper Convertible.

I’m a Car lover, and as most car lovers are, I love to own and drive my very own Ultimate Driving Machine. To me a BMW is an icon of success and a my 2nd dream car. I’m blessed as I bought my very own BMW Sports Sedan just a year after, at the age of 26.

I’m just your average undergrad from a middle class family. So how am I able to lead the life I’m living now? Its not magic, its choice.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Security? Try Freedom!

The purpose of this website is to assist you in the area of retiring at a young age. Every person has their own reason for wanting to retire, some want to spend more time with their family, others want to realise their dreams to travel the world. Bottom line is really financial freedom.

So what is financial freedom? Financial is defined as pertaining to monetary receipts and expenditures; Freedom is defined as the state of being free or at liberty rather than confinement. So, do you have the state of being free rather confined to your receipts and expenditures? In another words, do you have to work in order to pay for your expenses?

Life Can Be Better and it wasn't as hard as people think. Isn't it frustrating to be stuck working in a job you hate, missing time with family, and/or have absolutely no flexibility to travel and do what you want. Wealth isn't a mystery. It is a formula. The economy doesn't have to affect you. Your education level plays no part in gaining wealth and achieving the lifestyle that many of us have achieved.

I hope my blog can assist you in some way regarding financial awareness.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Step 3: Advise from Robert Kiyosaki

do leave a comment or drop me an e-mail if you're interested to know more about how u can participate in this Reccession Growth Business.